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Addiction #1: Crochet

Crochet Blogs
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I ♥ Crochetville
Crochet Pattern Central
Denise's Crochet Paradise
Around the Crochet Table
Stargazer's Links

I am Shetland Wool. I am a traditional sort who can sometimes be a little on the harsh side. Though I look delicate I am tough as nails and prone to intricacies. Despite my acerbic ways I am widely respected and even revered.

What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm making:

  • pumpkins
  • fall doilies
  • Mile-a-minute afghan [3 strips, plus joining, left]
  • [Just half of the joining, left!]
  • @ crochetville!
    bag gallery

On hold:

  • crochetville, a
    stash reduction

Addiction #2: Mystery novels

Nancy Atherton, England
Joanne Fluke, baking
Earlene Fowler, quilts
Dianne Mott Davidson, cooking
Susan Wittig Albert, herbal
Nevada Barr, park ranger
Sue Grafton, female p.i.
Janet Evanovich, female p.i.
Miriam Grace Monfredo, upstate NY mysteries
Stop, you're killing me
Authors on the web

Addiction #3: Children's books

Random House LGB
Little Golden Books

Collecting Little Golden Books
SurLaLune Fairy Tale studies
Nancy Drew, sleuth
Barnes and Noble
Scholastic books

Addiction #4: Home cleaning and organization

Image by Anaesthetic
Woman's Day worksheets
Organized Christmas
Organized Home
Family Grand Plan

Immediate goals:

  • Civil service forms--yeah, yeah, yeah, just do it already!
  • Finish putting patterns in binders
  • Paint half wall in living room

Addiction #5: Yoga, Pilates, fitness

Santosha yoga postures
Winsor Pilates

About me:
About me I'm definitely a ram Totally Complete Jav-ahhhh It's my water All kinds All the time

Email me

My Amazon wish list
Tim's and my Walmart wishlist

Today I'm

The internet is:

The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

Upstate NY is:

The WeatherPixie

moon phases

Join me:

I'm on a
Suck it in, girls!
I've fallen off the wagon =o(
Clean along 2004

I'm reading:

Kid's Request:

Use my buttons:

Michelle's Place by Julie
Michelle's Place by Donna
Michelle's Place by Donna
I like acrylic
I brake for 

My kids hide my 

Clean along 2004
Clean along 2004


Click for www.electoral-vote.com
I support Terror Alert Level


I'm an ISTJ. What are you?

Kids Pages:




Adapted from Raging Pistachio

Internet Bumper Stickers
Subscribe with Bloglines

I'm a zebra.

Friday, Apr. 30, 2004 - 1:54 pm

I am a black and white type of person. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us My personality doesn't see "colors" or "shades of gray" very well. For example:

I had a great time participating in the United Way Day of Caring yesterday. But today I have a bad cold and am sore, sore, sore! Yesterday I shoveled more mulch than I have in the whole rest of my life. My group fixed up the playground and flowerbeds at a local YMCA. It was a blast, but I am now paying for it.

Tim and I found our "dream lot" and it was cheaper and closer to where we want to be than all the other lots we've seen so far. But we can't get ahold of the town zoning inspector or the realtor. Why, WHy, WHY?! Don't these people want to sell their stuff?!

I don't have those crochet pix yet. I felt too yucky last night to do them. Soon, I promise! I did manage to eek out a dishcloth for an exchange, but that is about it.

Flower pole

Wednesday, Apr. 28, 2004 - 11:39 am

Crochet: Well, I haven't had as much time as normal to crochet, and I am starting to panic a little about my exchanges. I make something, and it doesn't come out quite right, so I am back at square one. I really need to get my head back in the game there. Plus, those 63 squares are addicting, and I keep going back to them!

Confession: I hate downloading pictures from my camera and then uploading them on the computer. I find it to be such a pain in the butt. That's the real, true reason why I don't have any for a while, then add a ton of them. Blech! I swear that I will get some on here by Friday though. :0)

Other: I love reading other peoples' blogs (see list at right), but sometimes I feel like I have no writing talent *what*soever. I wish I was a much more creative, funny writer, so that my blog was more interesting to read. I guess I gotta work on that. *sigh*

A friend of mine referred me to this blog, which is absolutely hilarious. We swear that this woman is living our lives and chronicling them in her blog--she's just a much funnier writer than I am!

Speaking of funny, I came across

this item up for sale on ebay. You must read the whole thing, and try not to fall out of your chair from laughing. Now before anyone gets bent out of shape, I agree that the guy sounds kinda trashy, and what he says can be offensive, but I loved the fact that it is written well, and that he's given us updates on the auction's status. I bet we see him on "Good Morning America" within a month or so.

I bought html book so that I can spruce up my blog and homepage. Learn how to do than just add pictures and links, LOL!

Flower pole

Tuesday, Apr. 27, 2004 - 1:48 pm

16 is the number of squares I have done for the 63 square CAL! I would of sworn I had done more, but still, I am proud of myself. Only 47 more to go....

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Monday, Apr. 26, 2004 - 1:05 pm

I have several excuses for not writing lately:

Ryan's decided to not sleep for more than 3 hours at a time, so Tim and I are getting very little sleep. Now, Ryan's never liked sleeping very much, but this is ridiculous!!

We've been busy looking for lots of land to buy and put a modular house on! We've been meeting with home places, and realtors, etc., and I keep thinking about that instead of crocheting {gasp!} So far we have one prospective lot, but are waiting for more info on it.

I have actually made about 6 more squares for the 63 square afghan. I need to tally up how many I have done now, it seems like a lot!

We've been assigned our and partner[s], and now I am going to try to focus on making stuff for those! I am very excited about them, though I'm having a mental block on stuff my secret sister would like. I've never done an exchange of that type before.

Check back tomorrow for more pictures!

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Wednesday, Apr. 21, 2004 - 2:34 pm

Well, I'm going to post these pictures of some more squares, and it's gonna look like I was all motivated, but the truth is, I did very little last night. I did manage to make one more square though (53? alternating rows of dc and dc, ch 1, dc--an easy one).





Today at work (*�*) I managed to get Emma's, Holly's, Ryan's pages up!! Woo hoo! Emma's is just a skeleton, because I want to teach her how to add her own links, but Holly's and Ryan's have pictures and links to their favorite things. Enjoy!

Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2004 - 12:57 pm

I am loaded with photos for my blog today! In fact, I will save some for tomorrow too.

Here are some of my squares for the 63 squares afghan:






I will post five more tomorrow. I guess I need to perfect my photography technique as they look more square and even in perosn!

Here is the kitchen set I am donating to Emma's school. My mom made the placemats (sewn, with a layer of thin batting), and I made the hotpad and coasters. Note that the coasters are the crochetme inaugural project pattern!

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On another note, I saw a FANTASTIC movie last night-- Image Hosted by ImageShack.us . It is hilarious, and with little to no "offensive" material. Jack Black is great, as are all the elementary school kids in his class. A real "feel great" comedy.

That's all for now! Off to do some --gasp!-- work.

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Monday, Apr. 19, 2004 - 2:58 pm

Wellllllll, I've been very busy making all my WIPs (see list on the left). I was very industrious and took cool pictures too, then got too tired and lazy to download them from the camera. Oh well. I will post them tomorrow. I'd rather crochet than play on the computer (I get enough of that at work!).

Tim and I spent some time this weekend obsessing about a plot of land I found for sale. We really want to buy it, and clear it, and eventually plop a modular home on it within the next year or 2. It needs a septic system and a well installed though, and that is very daunting. I don't want to fall into a money pit, up to my ears in red tape. It is very annoying to try to get out of the rent-trap, though, so we're gonna investigate. Ack!

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Wednesday, Apr. 14, 2004 - 2:39 pm

Another square down, so now I am up to 5/63 for the 63 squares afghan, and 9/28 for the pillowghan. Yippee!

Donna (Yarn Tomato) made me a couple more buttons for my blog:

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I will be putting them in the column at left, and you can use them to link to me.

On a petty TV note, I was miffed that American Idol got bumped last night in order for the president to give a speech. Republican OR democrat, I really only want to see the president in prime time if they're going to be singing Elton John (or any American Idol genre, really), and then critiqued by Simon. ***grrrr*** At least NYPD Blue was still on.

I have figured out what I am going to do for Emma, Holly, and Ryan's "kids" page[s], to be linked at the left. They'll be coming soon!

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Monday, Apr. 12, 2004 - 3:47 pm

Good afternoon!

I've been working on my 63 squares for the past couple days, and have 5 of them done so far. I skip around, so I haven't done the early numbers yet. Oh well, variety is the spice of life. I hope I actually finish one of these afghans soon--I have 3 in progress. Yikes!

Off to scan ebay now for a new pilates video, to add some variety to that addiction too.

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Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 - 7:43 pm

Ok, here are the pictures I promised! A slightly irregular square #9 for the 63 squares crochetalong:

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and the potholder for the school raffle:

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bye for now!

Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 - 3:45 pm

I am officially addicted to blogging now, too. I have been tinkering with this site, on and off, all day! I keep finding all these cute, cool features to add (see "What kind of yarn are you?" at left). And a couple of my friends over at Crochetville have volunteered to make me buttons for others to take/use for my site. It's so exciting! Here is one that Julie made for me:

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I was telling my daughter Emma about the exchanges for that group, and she's about as excited as I am to get stuff from other countries and places in the U.S. She's in a stage where she likes learning about all the states, and geography in general.

More later~~I plan to post a couple pix tonight, while Tim's out to see a movie, and I can have a turn on the computer!


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Thursday, Apr. 08, 2004 - 11:44 am

Thanks to everyone who's given me positive feedback on my blogsite! I appreciate it.

I finished the potholder (flag one, upper right corner) and the dishcloth for the kitchen set I am raffling off at Emma's school. Just some coasters to make now. I was too lazy to empty the camera's video card last night, so I will post pictures tomorrow!

I joined another >crochet-along now. I was at Walmart, and the 63 squares pattern book in the crafts section was calling to me, and I had to buy it. I will start that over the weekend. No clue what colors I will use yet. Most likely it will be odds and ends--all colors. Here's the button for this group:

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Here's a picture of my adorable nephew, Wyatt, at 8 months old:

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Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2004 - 3:06 pm

Today I tried to make a button for this site. I don't like them that much, but all I have are the free [boring] button makers online.

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I like the top one because I can read it better, but the bottom one is funkier and reminds me of a piece of yarn running through the letters. I will have to think for a bit on it, and see if I can figure out something else.

On another note, right now I would sell my left arm for a package of mint oreos. MAN, those things are good. **sigh** Unfortunately they aren't on the low-carb diet plan (though that has yet to stop me!).

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Tuesday, Apr. 06, 2004 - 11:55 am

I am going to take a quick break from the pillowghan in order to make a set of coasters/potholder/dishcloth to raffle off at Emma's school. I think I am going to do a red/white/blue theme, with star coasters. Hopefully I can make a large dent in the set tonight!

Normally I hate change, but I am becoming addicted to tweaking this blogsite! Today I'm going to alter the sidebar stuff, clean it up, and organize it (again). This will likely be the last time for a bit, til I alter the seasonal graphics.


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Monday, Apr. 05, 2004 - 10:10 am

Ok, it is evident from my lack of weekend posts that I will rarely have time to log on at home. Here are the pix from my pillowghan so far:

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I am making it Neapolitan colors, so I think it'll be a perfect summer blanket.

I ran out of cream yarn, and what I bought at Joann's doesn't exactly match, so I may have to rip out a square. Tim says he can't see the difference, but, we'll see.

I am going to try to create a link/page at left for the kids' pictures, but for now, posting them here will have to suffice--they were insane over the weekend, just when Tim and I were both coming down with colds.

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Friday, Apr. 02, 2004 - 11:46 am

woo hoo!! see all my buttons and mood indicator--

thanks to all my crochet friends and Lissa's page, and the "view source" option, I'm making progress!

Tonight I will post pix of my crochetalong pillowghan squares, and some other stuff. Now that it doesn't take me an hour and a half to get it all in there anymore.


Thursday, Apr. 01, 2004 - 3:04 pm

Ugh. I am having some trouble with making links/buttons/etc. I guess I need to buy some kind of html resource so I have a wee bit of a clue. I do like this new layout though.

I am trying to implement progress bars for my WIPs, and have some cool stuff like a calendar, book list....

Soon, I WILL figure this out.


Wednesday, Mar. 31, 2004 - 2:41 pm

I just finished scoping out free stuff for adding some design features to this diary. I hope I can figure out how to implement them! I think I need to buy a simple HTML book....

Crochet-wise, I have been working on my pillowghan crochet-a-long from crochetville (http://pub119.ezboard.com/bcrochetville). I am doing the pineapple square, in pink, brown, and cream (aka, the Neapolitan theme). I have 5 1/2 squares done so far--18 1/2 left to go!

2004-03-29 - 2:51 p.m.

Well, I didn't have much time today to work on this site, but I hope to tomorrow or shortly thereafter. I have a couple crochet photos to add, of what I have been working on lately:

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These are some Easter toys I made for all the kids!

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Link your image to your friends or see it here yourself!

These are egg bookmarks that photographed too bright!

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These are peacock feathers I am creating.

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This is a hotpad pattern I love!

I need to see if I can figure out how to change my background/template, fix how images show up, add buttons and links. Phew!

2004-03-26 - 3:28 p.m.

Here's a picture of Ryan, mad, and ready to get up from his nap:

2004-03-26 - 1:42 p.m.

My first blog posting! Does it work?? I had a heck of a time setting it up, but it's because I am flustered and at work--trying to multitask! ;)

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