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Addiction #1: Crochet

Crochet Blogs
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I am Shetland Wool. I am a traditional sort who can sometimes be a little on the harsh side. Though I look delicate I am tough as nails and prone to intricacies. Despite my acerbic ways I am widely respected and even revered.

What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm making:

  • pumpkins
  • fall doilies
  • Mile-a-minute afghan [3 strips, plus joining, left]
  • [Just half of the joining, left!]
  • @ crochetville!
    bag gallery

On hold:

  • crochetville, a
    stash reduction

Addiction #2: Mystery novels

Nancy Atherton, England
Joanne Fluke, baking
Earlene Fowler, quilts
Dianne Mott Davidson, cooking
Susan Wittig Albert, herbal
Nevada Barr, park ranger
Sue Grafton, female p.i.
Janet Evanovich, female p.i.
Miriam Grace Monfredo, upstate NY mysteries
Stop, you're killing me
Authors on the web

Addiction #3: Children's books

Random House LGB
Little Golden Books

Collecting Little Golden Books
SurLaLune Fairy Tale studies
Nancy Drew, sleuth
Barnes and Noble
Scholastic books

Addiction #4: Home cleaning and organization

Image by Anaesthetic
Woman's Day worksheets
Organized Christmas
Organized Home
Family Grand Plan

Immediate goals:

  • Civil service forms--yeah, yeah, yeah, just do it already!
  • Finish putting patterns in binders
  • Paint half wall in living room

Addiction #5: Yoga, Pilates, fitness

Santosha yoga postures
Winsor Pilates

About me:
About me I'm definitely a ram Totally Complete Jav-ahhhh It's my water All kinds All the time

Email me

My Amazon wish list
Tim's and my Walmart wishlist

Today I'm

The internet is:

The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

Upstate NY is:

The WeatherPixie

moon phases

Join me:

I'm on a
Suck it in, girls!
I've fallen off the wagon =o(
Clean along 2004

I'm reading:

Kid's Request:

Use my buttons:

Michelle's Place by Julie
Michelle's Place by Donna
Michelle's Place by Donna
I like acrylic
I brake for 

My kids hide my 

Clean along 2004
Clean along 2004


Click for www.electoral-vote.com
I support Terror Alert Level


I'm an ISTJ. What are you?

Kids Pages:




Adapted from Raging Pistachio

Internet Bumper Stickers
Subscribe with Bloglines

Is it summer yet?!

Friday, May. 28, 2004 - 2:57 pm



I am feeling a little better today than I have the last few days. Could have something to do with the SUNSHINE that is finally out, but ???

I did about 6 more rows of the arabesque afghqan last night. I really like the way it is coming out. I can't wait to take some pictures and post them.

Let's see, I also got a great tip for joining squares from Chelle--now I am not completely dreading finishing up my crochet-along afghans. Thanks, Chelle!

Two days ago I received a fabulous package from my Crochetville Secret Pal! A box, filled with goodies! An H crochet-on-the double hook, an c-o-d instruction book, and a c-o-d dishcloth pattern book. Also some hand creme and a notebook. How could she have known that I had tried to teach myself that technique a while ago, but gave up because I couldn't get it (of course I didn't have the instruction book, but....). I will put a picture of my present up here shortly. I wish to thank her so much!

I put up my June site design (summery, soccer, ya know!?), I have to fix it a little bit, but that will have to wait. I'm not THAT motivated.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone! �

line 2

Thursday, May. 27, 2004 - 2:38 pm

Hi everyone!

Sorry about the missing images on my blog--I hate how it throws the column spacing all off and everything, but to be honest with you, I don't feel like reloading, recoding, and relinking the images. I'm gonna wait and see what happens on June 1, when it says they will be back. >grrr<

I have about 6 inches (10 rows) done of the arabesque blanket. I will take a picture of it and post it soon, cross my heart! Like I said, I needed a break from all those squares! I MUST get back to them in a few days, though. I will not have another unfinished afghan around here! I am SO close to finishing my pineapple pillowghan.

Had a close call on my yarn diet--while browsing on ebay there are so many lots of yarn so CHEAP! I almost bid, but then got distracted, and then the urge passed. Phew!

My living room cleaning also stalled last night, but it's because I have a cold and don't feel that great. I forced myself to clean the windows (inside only) and tv and lights, because I thought of all my friends out there participating in the clean along--peer pressure! Plus, my 2 yo crayoned the TV and I had to clean it anyways to see American Idol (Yeah Fantasia!) LOL!


Tuesday, May. 25, 2004 - 2:49 pm

Boy, work is being a PAIN IN THE BUTT today.

I adopted

adopt your own virtual pet!

to make me feel better.


I finished another square last night, and also leafed through my free pattern printouts in order to find a stitch called Arabesque--I bought a pound of sage green yarn and am going to make a nice summer blanket out of it. I need a break from all these squares!


Monday, May. 24, 2004 - 3:39 pm

I am having some trouble with my internet connection today, so this entry's gotta be linkless. Sorry 'bout that. =(

Not my most productive crochet weekend, alas. I did manage to complete a few squares, but not much else! I also organized some of my internet printout patterns into 3-ring binders. Also, I packaged up all my exchange items and got them ready to send out! I hope everyone likes their stuff, even though it ain't perfect. I just love getting presents in the mail, superbly crocheted or not, and I hope others feel the same way.

My pattern/binder task was what I had to spend some of my crochet time doing, but it also counted towards my dining room clean along, because that's where I keep them. Now, this week's room is the living/family room. It's a big room, but we'll be back to it in a few weeks, so don't panic if everything doesn't get done (this is what i tell myself). Just spend 15 minutes each night this week cleaning the living/family room. That's it! I love the feeling of control that washes over me when I complete an entire week and the room looks MUCH better! Kinda makes this quiz's results more understandable, huh? Oh well.

You're Rubik's Cube!! You may think you're
popular, but you're actually extremely
annoying. Seriously.

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Actually I prefer the results of this one:

You're Skittles!!! You have a very interesting
personality, you're so unique. You're the kind
of person who always thinks outside of the box.
You're also a very accepting individual, and
believe in inner beauty.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Wednesday, May. 19, 2004 - 3:03 pm

Well, no crochet news today, but I am adding another addiction (#5) to the right column. It's called Home Cleaning and Organization. I have always gotten hooked on all types of checklists and calendars and programs, but have decided (again) to make a renewed committment to sticking with them this time. Some of those links are pretty overwhelming, but this one has given me more hope. �

In light of this, I have made 2 buttons to share with anyone else that might be interested in some form of this:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I am finishing up working in my dining room, and will switch rooms shortly. I haven't decided whether to switch MONTHLY or WEEKLY yet, but am leaning towards WEEKLY. 15 minutes (that's it!) each night in a different room each week; that way I will get through the whole house quicker, and more than once a year.


Tuesday, May. 18, 2004 - 12:49 pm

Here's some pictures of stuff I made last week, starting with some squares for the 63 sq. afghan, and the pineapple pillowghan:

2 squares

4 squares

very glary square

3 pines

...and a miscellaneous potholder/hotpad--BJ, this one is coming your way soon!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Here's an adorable picture of Ryan and Tim, after Ryan recovered from the trauma of his first haircut:

Ryan's first haircut

Gotta run now, busy at work today.


Monday, May. 17, 2004 - 1:52 pm

Just a quick entry today, I have photos, but not time to upload them, because I have to go to the dentist. >blech<

Took a couple of quizzes--#1 I found to be pretty acurate, #2 fairly accurate, #3 so-so:

What Color is Your Brain?

brought to you by Quizilla

You're Element is Night. You're a loner who is very
creative but never show your work to anyone.
You may smile a little but sadness or
loneliness surround you and other can feel it
when they're near you. You have a dark or
unusual beauty that makes you mysterious and
you probably have a lot of secrets that you've
never told anyone. You're beauty is intriging
and unorthidox but the real thing that makes
you special is your eyes. Something in them
makes them like "Diamonds in the

What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla

Borderline:Very High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --


Friday, May. 14, 2004 - 1:54 pm


Sigh. I am so very bored. My job's yucky and I want a new one. I have been applying and sending resumes and calling for over a year now, to lots of different places, but NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING. Don't get me wrong, I am deeply grateful to be employed, but for God's sake, I have my Master's degree (in Library Science), but cannot get a job in my field anywhere close to where I live now. And yes, I would like some cheese with my whine.


I have been making progress on both of my square crochet-alongs. I am quite proud of myself, actually. I am starting to fret, though (because I never can be worry-free) that I will not actually COMPLETE, join, the squares.

I have some stuff for my secret pal, as well as stuff for the c-ville exchange to package up and send out. I also hate going to the post office. What is it with that place?! They are closed BEFORE I go to work, and closed by the time I get HOME. It's hard for me to get there. Heck, I should work there!

I have made 2 new buttons (steal-able):

I will be taking some kid and crochet pictures and posting them next week!


Tuesday, May. 11, 2004 - 3:29 pm

Good afternoon, all!

I am having a crappy day at work, and have decided to take yet another break and blog.

I have added a comment tool to the left, so please, feel free to leave me comments (duh)! I couldn't figure out how to have it be at the end of every blog entry (only the 1 entry/page way), but figured it didn't matter that much anyways--just make sure you say what you are commenting about! LOL!

Very proud of myself, btw, for making another pineapple pillowghan square last night! 14 more to go, then I will have my first finished afghan. woo hoo!


Monday, May. 10, 2004 - 12:20 pm

Crochet: I had a disappointing crochet weekend. I made a heart frame for my mom for Mother's day, but when I tried to stiffen it, it came out yucky. Plus, even though I added 4 magnets to the back it was still too heavy. *sigh* I gave it to her anyways, but it was disappointing. We also made her chocolate covered strawberries--at least those turned out yummy (we tested them)!

Books: I am reading a great book about Nancy Drew and why she's so popular (see left sidebar). It has to do with Nancy embodying several Jungian archetypes--virgin, goddess, shadow, amazon, etc. I did manage to make a large dent in that this weekend!

TV: Now, I admit I am a reality show watcher (non-cable only, cuz that's all we have)--but ONLY CERTAIN ONES: Extreme Makeover (people and houses), Amazing Race, The Family (I hope they do another of those...), The Bachelor, American Idol. I don't regularly watch Survivor, but my husband does, and I joined him in watching last night's final episode. What a freakin' disappointment! Who the heck cares who wins the $1 million if the final 2 people are a couple?! They're just going to share it! If I had seen the whole season, I would have felt totally ripped off!

Peeve: Bad highway drivers. People that drive directly UNDER 6 signs saying "blah Exit 2 miles, RIGHT LANE ONLY" and then only at the very last second, move over to the proper lane, cutting dangerously across 5 lanes of traffic. Come ON! I don't give a crap what you do with your life, just don't endanger mine.

Other: I took this quiz, and got these results, which I found hilarious since I can't get into this particular movie at all. My husband adores the series, so I thought he'd be proud of me!

Lord of the Rings!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla


Friday, May. 07, 2004 - 11:24 am

I have been a bad crochet blogger! I suck at posting pictures, and have ignored my blog for a week. BUT......now I am back!

Crochet. I have been busily creating squares for the 63 square CAL, and here, finally, are some pictures. I don't have the numbers on them, because my 2 y.o. Holly unpinned all my numbers from the first 16 squares I did, so I didn't bother:


more squares

more more squares

more more more squares

And here is that giant carrot that I was telling Tiffany about. It was supposed to be a potholder, but grew giant, so I turned it into a stuffed toy for the kids. They inexplicably love it and argue over it.

giant carrot

Finally, here's a lemon potholder I intended to make for the c'ville exchange, but my hubby said, "it doesn't look like a lemon," so I kept it. Now that I see the picture, it does so look like a lemon. So there! What is it with them, LOL?!

lemon ph

Home/land purchase. I am sad to say, we have decided to postpone any sort of home or land purchase until next spring/summer. I am very disappointed, but we just don't have the $$$$$. *sigh, sniff*


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